
Support oneTRUEzone

When you support oneTRUEzone, you help us support students in their pursuit to uncover their own unique gift, which they can apply to a major and career that fits them best. In short, you help them find their own oneTRUEzone.

It makes a difference! The vast majority of the nearly 500 students who have participated in oneTRUEzone programming reported increased skills and knowledge of themselves, their strengths, and their interests. They overwhelmingly state that oneTRUEzone helped them gain the clarity needed to successfully select or shift to a major that fits them best, secure the right internships that align with their expanding self awareness, and identify the career path that aligns not only with their degree, but with their newly forming oneTRUEzone — the intersection of their acquired skills, earned degree, inherent interests, and natural abilities.

Please give today! To make a donation using your credit card, please use the button below. To mail in your gift, please make check payable to oneTRUEzone with “donation” in the memo line and mail to oneTRUEzone, P.O. Box 276, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417




Stocks/Planned Giving:
For more information on giving stocks or planned gifts, please contact Carolyn Sharaway at 917.518.4988 or

Matching Gifts:
Does your company have a matching gift program? You may be able to double your gift! Check in with your human resources department to learn more.  Then, include the matching gift paperwork with your gift.

Estate Gifts:
You can make a gift to oneTRUEzone that will cost you nothing in your lifetime by naming oneTRUEzone as a beneficiary on your IRA or retirement/pension account. You can also leave a legacy by including oneTRUEzone in your charitable estate planning.  Talk to your tax advisor for the best way to do so.

Tax Deduction:
oneTRUEzone is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Have questions? Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.