College graduates.

A Special Message For Students

High schoolers: Do you want to start college ahead of the curve with a sense of focus and direction?

Full-time college students: Are your anxiety levels out of control because you don't know what to major in but still have a full course load every semester and still have no clue what you want to do after you receive your degree?

Part-time and nontraditional college students: Are you so busy juggling school work, family obligations, financial responsibilities, and worrying about the future that you haven't had a minute to really get your bearings and get on a viable career path? 


oneTRUEzone can help! Being a student isn’t easy, right? You are expected to know what you want to do with your life and how you are going do it. You are expected to be smart, be competitive, be creative, deal with pressures, and become financially successful. You are expected to prepare for everything in your life such as tests, athletic events, and interviews, and you'd probably like to main some semblance of a social life. But how are you preparing for your ideal career path?


10 Common Mistakes College Students Make

  1. Many new college students don’t know what they want to gain from their college experience. Although they do not need to choose a major early or know what career they would love, they need to begin to pay close attention to what excites and interests them and what does not, so they can put the pieces together later.
  2. Many students select a major because it is the ‘hot’ one on the market at the time. This is a mistake because trends change from year to year.
  3. Many students try to fit themselves into a major instead of fitting the major to themselves. Most often, they don’t choose one that excites and interests them.
  4. Students choose a major erroneously, thinking it will train them for a specific job or career. Instead, they should learn to develop their aptitude and abilities to use in life and in one of many possible career choices.
  5. Students don’t realize that a college major does not prepare them for a career. Many other important 3D experiences are essential to get the feel for what they may love to do.
  6. Many students will choose a career path before understanding much about the actual day-to-day work.
  7. Frequently, students choose careers based on biased or incomplete information, or on things that will mean less and less to them as time goes by. They need to explore and ask a lot of questions whenever something or someone’s career fascinates them.
  8. Often, students are often exposed to only a small number of careers, usually through family and their social circles. This does not give them the opportunity to explore the full range of career choices.
  9. Too often, college students focus on building résumés instead of building skills. While a résumé is a valuable tool, it is not nearly as important as what a student learns and takes away from an experience that can lead him or her to the right career choice. A great résumé may help, but passion and knowing the best career path will provide exactly what students will need in those career seeking conversations they will have later.
  10. Often, because they are unsure of which career to choose, students do little or nothing to prepare themselves for a career. This may be the biggest mistake.

When you know where you are heading, all the pieces begin to fit together, and it is infinitely easier to apply yourself to your studies and your future. At oneTRUEzone, we are committed to changing the course of your college life and, as a result, your career and your future. We want you to ultimately do what you love and love what you do. We know you do, too.


The benefits of completing the oneTRUEzone process:

  • You will find the path that fits the essence of you.
  • Your career can take off.
  • You will have more fun.
  • You will get on the path to a career that doesn't feel like work.
  • You will be excited when Monday rolls around.
  • You will have the ability to create wealth, with the help of our resources and recommendations.
  • You will have the chance to make a living doing what you love!

Choosing a college and choosing a career path can be stressful and confusing, but they don’t have to be that way. If you’d like a little help figuring out what’s next, that is what we are here for.